Thursday, August 5, 2021

Protista Protozoan Plasmodium

Kingdom Protista Protozoan Protozoan Protists, Kingdom, Biology 11 class, Biology chapter 2 class11, Upgrading biology, upgradingbiology, Biology11

Protista Protozoan Plasmodium 

 INTRODUCTION: In this chapter, Protista Protozoan Plasmodium will discuss in detail. Protozoans were firstly studied by Leeuwenhoek in 1677.

Characteristics features of Protozoan Protists:

  • Habitat can be freshwater or marine.
  • They are small, acellular, and calcareous.
  • Pseudopodia, flagella, and cilia are Locomotory organs.
  • Osmoregulation occurs by contractile vacuoles.
  • Having radial or bilateral symmetry.
  • The mode of nutrition is Holozoic.
  • Reproduction occurs asexual or sexual.
  • During adverse conditions, they form cysts for survival.
  • Ammonia is a metabolic waste.

Classification of Protozoan Protists on basis of Locomotory organelles:

Mastigophora, Sarcodina, Sporozoa, and Ciliata

1. Group: Mastigophora: (Zooflagellate)

  • The outer covering is a pellicle.
  • Asexual reproduction occurs by Binary fission.
  • The locomotory organ is the flagella.
  • Association is commensals or symbionts.
  • E.g. Trypanosoma gambiense, Leishmania donovani, Giardia intestinalis, etc.
Trypanosoma gambiense

  • Sleeping sickness parasite.
  • Transmit by blood-sucking Glossina palpalis.
  • It is present in blood plasma in humans.
  • It makes the unconscious.
Leishmania donovani:

  • Cause black sickness.
  • Also occurs anemia, effects on liver and spleen.
  • Transmit by Phlebotomus argentipes.
  • It is common in India and America.
Image 1: Zooflagellates
Trichomonas vaginalis: 
  • Effects the women's vagina.
  • It causes leucorrhoea disease.
Giardia intestinalis:
  • Transmission occurs by food and water.
  • It affects the part of the small intestine.
  • It also causes diarrhea, head pain, epigastric pain, increases body temperature, etc.
2. Group: Sarcodina: (Rhizopoda)

  • Locomotion by the Pseudopodia.
  • Found in fresh and seawater.
  • Nutrition is holozoic.
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction takes place.
  • E.g. Amoeba proteus, Entamoeba histolytica, Globigerina etc.
Image 2: Amoeba

SEE ALSO: Protista Photosynthetic Dinoflagellates Euglenoids

Amoeba proteus: 

  • Locomotion occurs by Lobo podia.
  • Osmoregulation occurs by the contractile vacuole.
  • Holozoic is the mode of nutrition.
  • Contractile vacuole works faster in distilled water.
  • Having Mitochondria.
Entamoeba histolytica: 

  • The life cycle is monogenetic.
  • The disease is known as amoebiasis.
  • Contractile vacuole is not present.
  • It affects the large intestine and forms ulcers.
  • Abdominal pain was also reported.
  • It has two forms i.e., Magna and minuta 
  • Effective medicine to kill this causal organism is Metragyl or Flagyl.
The life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica
  • Mostly found in marine.
  • For locomotion pseudopodia are present.
  • Protoplasm is differentiated.
  • Reproduction occurs by binary fission.
  • Examples: Acanthometra and Collozoum.
  • Found in fresh and marine water.
  • For creeping and ingestion pseudopodia are present.
  • Reproduction occurs through binary and multiple fission.
  • Examples: Globigerina and Elphidium.
  • Contains axopodia.
  • Scales and spines having on the skeleton.
  • Example: Actinophrys etc.
3. Group: Sporozoa:

  • They are endoparasite.
  • Locomotory organelles are not present.
  • Contractile vacuoles is not present.
  • Sexual reproduction by syngamy.
  • The Mode of Nutrition is Parasitic.
  • E.g. Plasmodium, Monocystis, Eimeria, etc.
Plasmodium (The Malarial Parasite):

a) Human beings: Inhuman, malarial parasites reproduce asexually.

b) Female Anopheles Mosquito: Malarial parasites reproduce sexually.

A) Life cycle of Plasmodium in Human: Infection occurs by Sporozoite.

  • Pre-erythrocytic Schizogony: When sporozoite becomes rounded known as schizont. 

 Schizont → multiply and → form Crypto zoites → moves into sinusoids (in the liver).

  • Exo-erythrocytic Schizogony: Crypto zoites → Form Meta cryptozoites.

  • Erythrocytic Schizogony: Schizogony in the RBC is known as Erythrocytic Schizogony.
Metacryptozoite → enters RBCs, it follows many steps:

  1. Young Trophozoite: When Metacryptozoite moves into RBCs they become round and this stage is known as Young Trophozoite.
  2. Amoeboid Stage: When Vacuole is disappeared and these Trophozoites change the shape i.e., amoeba-shaped. Trophozoites acquire hemozoin granules they derived from Erythrocytes. Haemoglobin having protein and iron parts.
  3. Formation of Merozoites: Trophozoite perform mitotic division and form merozoites. RBC releases merozoites in human blood and appears symptoms of fever known as the Incubation period. Symptoms of Malaria: Fever, chilliness, headache, muscular pain, etc.
  4. Formation of Gametocytes: Some Merozoites form gametocytes, these form Smaller gametocytes and Larger gametocytes.
B) Life Cycle of in the Female Anopheles Mosquito:

  • Female Anopheles suck the blood from infected human and gametocytes comes into the lumen of mosquito.
  • The formation of gametes is known as Gametogony.
  • Formation of Zygote i.e., Fertilization.
  • The encyst zygote known as Sporont.
  • The nucleus of the oocyte divides and forms small haploid nuclei.
The life cycle of Malarial Parasite

Control of Malaria:

  1. Elimination of Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes killed by D.D.T, Flit, etc.
  2. Destruction of larvae.
  3. Breeding grounds of larva should be drained.
Treatment of Malaria: Antimalarial drug-like Quinine, paludrine, Comoprima, etc.

4. Group: Ciliate: 
  • Develop the number of cilia during the life cycle.
  • A pellicle is the outer covering of ciliate protozoans.
  • They live in fresh and marine water.
  • Locomotory organs are cilia.
  • The contractile vacuole is present for osmoregulation.
  • The mode of nutrition is Holozoic.
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction takes place.
  • Examples: Paramecium, Balantidium, Vorticella, etc.
Paramecium caudatum:
  • Found in freshwater.
  • It is a surface feeder.
  • The mode of nutrition is microphageal.
  • The shape is like a Slipper.
  • Outer covering pellicle maintains the shape of the body.
  • It having macronucleus and micronucleus.
  • It having a contractile vacuole for osmoregulation.
  • Transverse binary fission method for asexual reproduction.
  • Conjugation and autogamy method for sexual reproduction.
Two types of paramecia:
  1. Sensitive Paramecia: Having no kappa particles and do not produce poisonous substances.
  2. Killer Paramecia: Having kappa particles and secretes paramecin.
Balantidium coli:
  • Found in the large intestine of humans.
  • Causes diseases like diarrhea, ulceration, etc.
  • Transmission through contaminated water and food.





Disease cause



Trypanosoma gambiense

Central Africa

Blood, cerebrospinal fluid

Gambium sleeping sickness

By Glossina palpalis


Trypanosoma cruzi

South America


Chagas disease

By Faeces of bugs (triatomid)





Lymph glands, Liver, Spleen


By bites of Phlebotomus argentipes


Giardia intestinalis


Small intestine


By food and water


Trichomonas vaginalis




Sexual intercourse


Entamoeba histolytica


Large intestine

Amoebic dysentery

By food and drink


Leishmania brasiliensis

Asia and Africa

Nose, Mouth, Pharynx

Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis

By sandfly

             Table 1: Pathogenic Protozoans in Human being

SEE ALSO: Fungi Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes

Conclusion: Protozoans in parasitic form affect humans and animals. In this chapter, Protista Protozoan Plasmodium above the information is completed in detail with images.


Upgrading Biology

Author & Editor

Focus is to help breakdown difficult concepts.


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